Man arrested for drug possession.

An Overview of Drug Offences in Western Australia

Western Australia is known for having some of the harshest drug offence penalties anywhere. The laws regarding drug charges are complex, and penalties range from small fines and jail time to stiff penalties, including fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and lengthy prison terms depending on the circumstances surrounding the charges.

What is Assault?

What Happens If You Get Charged With Assault

In Western Australia, there are several types of assault charges, and the penalty may depend on the severity of the offending. In some cases, an offender can be sentenced to an immediate term of imprisonment and that imprisonment may be mandatory even if the offender has good antecedents. However, experienced assault lawyers Perth can help…

Is Careless Driving A Criminal Charge?

Driving carelessly on the roads is not just dangerous to the driver and the community, it’s also an offence. According to Section 62 of the Road Traffic Act WA (henceforth: the Act): “Every person who drives a motor vehicle without due care and attention commits an offence”. A traffic offence is a form of a…