WN Legal offers an initial free consultation for a maximum of 30 minutes. 

We are here to ensure that you understand your legal rights so that you can then decide whether you want to pursue your instructions further.

If you instruct us, we will provide you with a fee structure during your initial consultation which will be reduced to writing.

WN Legal understands that legal fees can be costly. We endeavour to provide you with affordable rates with no hidden fees.

Online Payments


Rules for our consultation is as below

  1. Our free 30 minutes initial consultation is tailored for new clients only
  2. The free initial consultation is up to 30 minutes. If the consultation is more than 30 minutes, a further consultation should be scheduled. Fees apply for further consultations at 385/hr
  3. All initial consultations can be done via telephone or in person. However, if you elect to attend to the free initial consultation by phone, you must provide a copy of your driver’s license for identification purposes. We reserve the right to refuse any consultations if identification documents are not provided
  4. Offensive behaviour will not be tolerated. Our lawyers reserve the right to turn down the call if the caller uses abusive or offensive language.

During the first initial consultation if the client requests for further follow up, they are at the rate of $385/hr. Ideally you should be in the position to send out a costs retainer after the ½ free consultation.